Our brains are so easily programmed by some things (they were probably designed that way) and other things are much more of a fight to program into our thinking. Part of what we do at Abundant Strength is help you understand what better health means, what changes to make towards that better health, and teach you how to use your strength to make those changes.
Read MorePeople usually can be classified as those that move all day long and those who sit all day but workout. Both these types of people burn calories during the day. But surprisingly enough....
Read MoreSetting out to make a change in life is hard. It takes concentration, effort and desire. But it also takes the right plan. . .
Acknowledging connections in events and habits is the first step in stopping them. Self-monitoring is a vital part of becoming healthier and achieving your goals. Consistent tracking, even if inaccurate, greatly improves effectiveness of a healthy life including weight control.
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