Posts tagged food
Understanding How to Reprogram Your Brain

Our brains are so easily programmed by some things (they were probably designed that way) and other things are much more of a fight to program into our thinking. Part of what we do at Abundant Strength is help you understand what better health means, what changes to make towards that better health, and teach you how to use your strength to make those changes.

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Brain Drugs: Knowing Vs Understanding

If you have not noticed, the brain is a powerful thing. The more we know about it and furthermore understand its ways, the more we can shape our lives to get the outcomes that we want. But to know what to do is not good enough, we need to also understand it.

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Eating for Happiness

Food scientists have been developing and modifying foods for years now to appeal to our taste buds and our brain. They add in unnecessary ingredients that can make our brain light up like we are on drugs from the serotonin and dopamine. 

Don’t be manipulated by these food scientists!

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10 Easy Ways to Understand Portion Size

Learning what proper portion size for each food is a useful tool in nutrition. It is an understandable way to approach eating the right amount. Often times we do not have scales for weighing out food, measuring cups or other tools at our disposal to help us measure the suggested portion size. Most people do not or will not take the time to measure with such accuracy anyway. Therefore, understanding these simple ways of knowing how much of each food to eat and how the portions relate to each other can take you a long way towards eating the right amount of food.

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Refresh Your Health

For most people, staying on a tight schedule is not realistic, but we can manage what we do in order to stay on top of our health throughout life’s many moments. So when you find yourself in that place, this is how to get back.

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